Peeks Out From Behind The Corner

Four CenturiesDon’t worry, I’m still here. 🙂 I “really” went on blackout this time around, much more than usual. Part of the reason is because I’ve been thinking about the next novel, and while I have an idea, I might try something else first, but more on that in a minute.

Hopefully everyone has read Four Centuries by now. So far the feedback has been mostly positive. I’ve had several readers tell me they thought it was going to be more of a Victoria origin story, mixed with the past and flashbacks. I guess the title Four Centuries definitely gives that impression. 🙂 I hope it wasn’t misleading enough to hate it, but I tried to keep things in the present with the back description. I have avoided all Amazon reviews, so I honestly have no idea how it’s doing there. 🙂 I know I had a great time writing it. I enjoyed writing from Victoria’s eyes, and ended up liking Zoey far more than I thought I would. I enjoyed Zoey’s story because it seems most vampire fiction that involves teenagers “glorifies” it. The seduction, good looks, romance, etc. But Zoey truly struggles with being a vampire, with having to feed, with the dramatic changes that involve hiding from the sun. It was a fun side plot, and Zoey makes for an excellent “side addition” to the cast.

And of course, there’s Jack.

Hopefully people enjoyed his addition and time in the story. This was Victoria’s tale, of course, but the vampire and cursed human have known each other for nearly two hundred years. It just didn’t feel right to not have him involved in some way. I love the pairing. Completely opposite, yet still very close. Not a hint of romance between them, just a deep understanding and caring.

So, what’s up for the future? Well, Victoria is now in a “falling out” mode with the big wigs of vampire society. Kevin, once again, has had to defend himself from people trying to kill him. Jack is still Jack. 🙂

Still many stories to tell. The story I “want” to tell next would be a Kevin story, mixed with a little bit of werewolf action. My problem is that I still have a lot of details to work out. Not quite enough for a whole story yet, and it’s nearly March. 🙂

So, what I think I’ll do instead is tackle a standalone novel. That takes a bit of pressure off, believe it or not, and gives me a chance to create some new characters again. I have an idea about a shapeshifter I want to explore a bit. Hopefully maybe a cover to follow along soon.