Newest book update

My zombie novel is still coming out nicely. I’m still trying to come up with a solid title and cover. I was leaning toward World of the Dead, but my wife thinks that’s a bit plain, and I have to agree with her. We’ve tossed some other ideas around, but I still haven’t decided on anything final yet.

For a cover, I wanted to go with a zombies wandering around a city, but those pictures are hard to find. There will be a lot of work going into this novel, even after it’s done.

The first four chapters are online to read on this site. Still needs some editing, but it’s not too horrible.

One of my bigger challenges is to keep my focus.  🙂  I just picked up Hollowland by Amanda Hocking. I want to read it, but I’m afraid I’ll end up hating my zombie novel afterwards.