New Review from BigAl’s Books and Pals

I got a new review for Demonspawn from BigAl’s Books and Pals here.

Hoppergrass was the reviewer, and he brings up a point I never thought about before, mainly being that Demonspawn almost could have been two novels. That’s an interesting idea. I didn’t realize just how much stuff went into the novel until after I was done. That novel broke 100K words I think. Everything I’ve been writing lately has been shorter, more streamlined.

I’m working on a novel now that takes place in the Demonspawn universe. Of course, I say “universe” like I created some crazy fantasy world. What I really mean is some events that happened in Demonspawn will carry over, as well as a few character mentions, and even the vampire Victoria will have a big part. I guess the right term is spin-off. 🙂

It’ll be my first attempt at such a novel. I want to “reward” Demonspawn readers, make them go “Oh wow, I remember that. That’s cool.”  But I also want the novel to be standalone, and not make Demonspawn required reading. So far, it’s been crazy fun to write. It centers around a witch, which is really letting my imagination free.