Latest Novel – Update

I’m starting the final few sections of my latest novel now, the spinoff to Demonspawn. I like how this one has turned out so far. I love writing and giving some clues about Victoria, the vampire mentor from Demonspawn. The novel itself is done in my head, just have to get it on paper. Then cover, edits, etc etc. Fun times ahead.

I realized something about how I like my vampires during this novel. A lot of movies and books try to project vampires as these mythical creatures. While writing about Victoria, in my mind, she was a human first who became a vampire. She doesn’t think of herself as very different than humans. In her own words, “I make bad decisions, I’m not perfect. I have a temper.”

I’ve enjoyed exploring her character in this novel. Now, at this stage of the story, I finally get to let my witch loose a little. 🙂