Demonspawn for FREE on Smashwords

Like how I capitalized free there?  🙂  I’m about 2/3 of the way done through my latest novel about a zombie apocalypse. After that, I have to create blurbs, get some cover art together, try to get reviews, all the fun stuff I definitely wasn’t prepared for when I finished Demonspawn.

In an effort to get more readers, get my name out there a little more, I’m giving away Demonspawn through Smashwords through the end of the year. I would give it away via Amazon store as well, but I don’t think I can do that, at least I don’t know how.

So, if anyone wants to read a fun little story about ghosts, vampires (cool ones), and demons, give Demonspawn a try.  The book is here on Smashwords, and the coupon code is MT86L.