(Hopefully) Final Demons LLC Draft Update

DemonsLLCI’m down to the last chapter of the novel. I’m guessing somewhere around five thousand more words. The finish line is in sight. But then, of course, something happens. 🙂 I have to rethink this part I’m on, so just a little longer. Drives me crazy. I wrote a reference in another novel to an upcoming scene, and I have to make sure everything ties together right. I guess that’s one of the minor drawbacks about the way I write.

Besides this little stumbling block, though, I think the novel has turned out well. I was a little worried about Alex in relation to the others. He seemed to pale in comparison to Jack Kursed and Kevin Mishnar, for example. But this novel shows that Alex (he was my first character, after all) still has it. He operates on a different level than everyone else. Even in the supernatural world, there are other levels, referring to the spirit and world realms. Only Alex can visit those places, and it makes for some interesting ideas.