Four Centuries…Update Time

Four CenturiesJust wanted to pop out from the tent to provide a quick update. We’re about 54K words into Four Centuries at the moment. I’m not sure what the end count is going to be, but I always want to hit at least 70K words. I consider that a full novel. Having said that, it feels like I’ll go over, like I always do. I’m about to start what I consider Act 3, and there’s no way it’ll wrap up in 16K words.

This is a good thing. I had some reservations in tackling this novel, some of which I’ve talked about already. First thing was that the main character was Victoria. A major, core character for sure, but one I never really “focused” on. I was afraid to focus on a female character, and I didn’t want to fall into the trap of giving her a novel just because she didn’t have one, so just dwelled for a long time about content. And I think this is some of the best. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hopefully everyone else is entertained.

Another thing that made me nervous is the fact that Victoria is “just” a vampire. In a universe with a powerful witch, a man with demonic powers, a cursed mortal, I had a little problem focusing on “just” a vampire.ย But, I forgot, this is Victoria we’re talking about, and in a novel that has plenty of surprises (hee hee) I think she comes out holding her own, if not surpassing expectations.

Some of this sounds like gibberish for sure. I just don’t want to give anything away. I’m ready for a sample, but now am struggling a bit as to what I want to put out there. I had a scene in mind, but out of context it might just be rather confusing. I might just go with Chapter 1. I took a different direction with getting out of the gate than in different novels, sort of a “Day in the life of Victoria”. Maybe I’ll put both out there. ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay, rambling over. Just take away that Four Centuries is going well, it’s been a very fun write, and we’re way past the halfway mark.